Adv Shruti Bist practicing lawyer (AOR) in Supreme Court initiated her International Council of Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Research and Development. International Council Of Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Research and development (ICAICSRD) is umbrella organization that provides wide ambit of AI and cyber security, cybercrime and forensic solutions to Industries and, Ministries, people and also works towards attaining goals on UN Sustainability. It’s an initiative of Shruti Bist Socio Legal Foundation registered u/s 8 of Company Act 2013 , Ministry of Corporate Affairs ,India

The organization will be researching on new artificial intelligence technology and cyber security tools for IT companies, firms, defence, Ministries, and government. It provides Research-driven technology, Cost-savings solutions, Industry leading products. Consultancy and audit report on GDPR, Data protection, block chain and AI and cyber security tools.


ICAICSRD has initiated an exclusive college on AI and Cyber Law to increase awareness and provide employment generation in field of Cybercrime.


College of AI and Cyber Security is a vocational college running since 2023 and providing Degree’s, certification & Post graduate Diploma Programs on AI Cyberlaw and Data Science. Professional training courses such as Chief Information Security officials training, Data scientist, post graduate diploma in Cyber laws, Forensic science and investigation Certificate courses, bachelor’s, and master’s degree (vocational) in Cyber laws and AI.

2)We are working on new project DIGITAL MAKER LAB ( an initiative of DIGITAL INDIA to transform Indian youth from digital users to producers in the digital economy. We will offer skills such as artificial intelligence courses, Data scientist courses, Post graduate diploma Courses, CISO app development, 3D printing, robotics, embedded systems and data analytics; to strengthen problem solving and creativity amongst student and youths. Digital maker lab will tie up to various University and establish Digital Maker Lab . Activities to be conducted will be based on modules prepared by Digital Maker Lab. Each college will select a minimum of 30 students per to establish Digital Maker lab. Digital maker labs will offer tools, materials and learning resources that are made available for its members that could help nudge them to invent and embark on digital making projects. The Digital maker lab will also conduct Quiz competition to select innovative ideas from Youth and promote youth start up schemes to promote entrepreneurship among them .

3)ICAICSRD launched a new initiative named E SECURITY –

E Security helps victim understand that crime happened on them, and it is important to report it.

E security assist in lodging FIR and forwarding complaint to Court. It provides victim counselling and consultation from psychological damage on them. E security also works on drafting legislative laws relating to Cybercrimes and other legal issues and forward better suggestions to Parliament to amend Laws’ .E-security will also provide assistance via private investigators and forensic to assist in Investigation. There is reporting portal for victims. Complaint will be directed to Cyber Cell in districts and legal assistance and forensic assistance shall be given through our team (Cyber Cell Ambassador in each District)

We look forward to a good collaboration and support from Ministries, defence and ,CSO ,NGO and Policy makers and Expert professionals to join our forum and assist in attaining our Hon’ble PM Modi mission of Digital India and Cyber Swachhta Bharat .

Further details available on