E Security helps victim understand that crime happened on them, and it is important to report it.

E security assist in lodging FIR and complaint to Court. It provides victim counselling and consultation from psychological damage on them. E security also works on drafting legislative laws relating to Cyber crimes and other legal issues and forward better suggestions to Parliament to amend Laws’ security will also provide assistance via private investigators and forensic to assist in Investigation.


1)Cyber Bullying-

Cyberbullying or cyber harassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. Cyberbullying and cyber harassment are also known as online bullying. It has become increasingly common, especially among teenagers and adolescents, due to the communication technology advancements and young people's increased use of such technologies. Cyberbullying is when someone, typically a teenager, bullies or harasses others on the internet and other digital spaces, particularly on social media sites.

2)Cyber stalking –

Some signs that you are experiencing cyberstalking include someone sending you too many messages, a person sending you inappropriate messages, liking all of your old posts on social media, manipulating you into interacting with them online, or trolling you. Online impersonality, GPS tracking, threatening messages, catfishing, and doxing are also behaviour associated with cyberstalking. So what is considered cyberstalking?

Here are some examples of things people who cyberstalk might do:Post rude, offensive, or suggestive comments online

Follow the target online by joining the same groups and forums

Send threatening, controlling, or lewd messages or emails to the target

Use technology to threaten or blackmail the target

Tag the target in posts excessively, even if they have nothing to do with them

Comment on or like everything the target posts online

Create fake accounts to follow the target on social media

Message the target repeatedly

Hack into or hijack the target's online accounts

Track the target's online movements by installing tracking devices

Hack into the target's camera on their laptop or smartphone as a way to secretly record them

Continue the harassing behavior .

3)Identity Theft /Theft –

Identity theft is the crime of obtaining the personal or financial information of another person to use their identity to commit fraud, such as making unauthorized transactions or purchases. Identity theft is committed in many different ways and its victims are typically left with damage to their credit, finances, and reputation.

Financial Identity Theft

In financial identity theft, someone uses another person's identity or information to obtain credit, goods, services, or benefits. This is the most common form of identity theft.

Social Security Identity Theft

If identity thieves obtain your Social Security Number, they can use it to apply for credit cards and loans and then not pay outstanding balances. Fraudsters can also use your number to receive medical, disability, and other benefits

Criminal Identity Theft

In criminal identity theft, a criminal pose as another person during an arrest to try to avoid a summons, prevent the discovery of a warrant issued in their real name or avoid an arrest or conviction record.


Child sexual abuse laws in India have been enacted as part of the child protection policies of India. The Parliament of India passed the 'Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences Bill (POCSO), 2011' regarding child sexual abuse on 22 May 2012, making it an Act. A guideline was passed by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, India. The rules formulated by the government in accordance with the law had also been notified on the November 2012 and the law had become ready for implementation’s 67 ,66 E IT Act cover Cyber crime relating to POSCO Crimes.

5) POSH –

The PoSH Act has been implemented to prevent and protect women from sexual harassment at the workplace and thereby ensure a safe working environment for women. The PoSH Act, as mandatary compliance, requires every company having more than ten employees to constitute an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) in the prescribed manner to receive and address the complaints of any sort of sexual harassment from women in a time-bound and extremely confidential manner. Now a days Harassment of women happens even via Online abuse hence its important to add penal provisions of IT Act .

6) Cyber Defamation

Defamation is defined in Section 499 of Indian Penal Code (IPC) as, whoever, by words either spoken or intended to be read, or by signs or by visible representations, makes or publishes any imputation concerning any person intending to harm, or knowing or having reason to believe that such imputation will harm, the reputation of such person is said to defame that person. Similarly, any such act or statement when published on the internet leads to Cyber Defamation or online defamation.


1)Collect evidence

You might feel like deleting the harmful content as soon as you can, but don’t do it yet! First you need to get some proof, to show what happened and where.

Things to screenshot or copy down

o What the content says or shows

o The user profile of the person who sent, posted or shared it

o The date and time it was sent, posted or shared

o The name of the site, game or app

o The online address of the page or feed (URL)

2)Prevent further contact

Try not to respond or hit back. People who say hurtful things often do it just to get a reaction, so if you show it worked, they may do it again.
